Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Karneval part deux! The Rosenmontag

Not many pictures from Monday's street celebrations of Karneval, mainly because I couldn't be bothered to carry my camera through the narrow and filled streets of Oldtown in Bonn, and also because the pics would be crap anyway due to the freezing cold weather and rain, but well here it goes...

Me and Elis, one of the PhD students here dressed improv as mad scientists. I know, I know I am fat..

The streets of oldtown (Altstadt) were considerably more packed than Endenich on Sunday, and this was taken after the parade finished.

The party afterwads at one of the bars. I got groped several times, and one time by a guy!!! Kinky Germans!


Kia said...

How did you get groped?

Just curious...

Do you know what Ri and Mariane have in the car, on the way to pick me up, before going to Sandviken?


Pre-soaking before a feast meal tomorrow with my family.

Mariane is the Brazilian girl currently staying with us, getting some research experience at Karolinska with Richard to get credit in medschool. She's from Araguari (helped us with the biology class for the kids last year).
Anyway, she's been in Porto a few months, and took baccalhau with her up to us.
It's handy it's so easy to bring on the plane when it's dry.
Anyway, i'll post some photos of the 'feast'...

Anonymous said...

Carnaval even in Germany...

Here... no carnaval, but lots of rain.

Also, there was no NYE (I mean, there was New Year's eve, but no fireworks...)

But, instead, there was Saint Lucia!!! Yey! Viva the catholic church!