Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Our house, in the middle of our street, our house...

Hi guys!

since I couldn't choose any particular photo that i was very happy with, since I'm so looking forward to changing wall papers and decorating, and getting more furniture, and and and.... I decided to just put up all the photos I took last weekend on a separate page so you can see it as a slide show.
Well, for you to know that these are the "before pictures"... and then there will be photos of the prettiest little house in Upplands Vasby here later on, and hopefully one for each guest visiting...

by the way - Raul, I didn't manage to take one single photo when you guys were here so YOU have to post the proof of that (and soon). :-)

and btw, it's great to know that you guys pop by the blog once in a while Selma and Mika! So, Selma, where do you work now? I just saw the farewell drinks being announced on the jcsmr email.

And - Hiroe, for you to know, Elisabet looooves the little present you sent her as a thanks for the knitted cactuse! I promise to email you soon.

Big hug,

1 comment:

Raul said...

Very cool house! Can't wait to visit! I will try to remember to post the pics of our stay there tonight.