Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The BBQs and Sangria!

During our time here in Canberra we still managed to contributer in a positive way to the landscape. For instance:

In each one of our little gatherings we forbade the concept of BYO meat to ever be inforced within our walls. This is something that all of us obeyed religiously. That way our guests were able to enjoy nice quality meat from a Brazilian/Portuguese styled BBQ (below)! We also on accasion took the trouble of producing dozens of litres of Sangria for the enjoyment of our guests (above) or we bought a few boxes a beer. This meant that when we invited people over, we were asking them for their company and not for them to come and use our facilities to cook their own meat and bring their own drinks.

We can only hope that our best efforts might have started a trend in Canberra towards people being generous and dedicated to their friends. Just a note, according to Kiri, this whole BYO BBQ concept seems to be restricted to Canberra. Other places in Astralia might not share this hideous practice... I can only hope.

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